// Codigo para Janela Pop-up

CM&O, the official agency for the conference, has negotiated with the Luxor Regente (the conference hotel) and some other hotels for special rates. Due to budget limitations, we can not reserve rooms for our attendees therefore we encourage you to make the hotel reservation in advance to avoid last-minute surprises.

Instructions to reserve an accommodation:
  1. Click on the following link

    (English version)

    (Versão em português)

  2. Follow the instructions available in the website.
    You can also contact the agency directly.
    CMO Eventos: http://www.cmoeventos.com.br/

  ISMM´2007 Proceedings Vol. 1 & 2 :  

   List of submitted slides

   Slides of the Robert Loce invited talk

   Slides of the Luiz Velho invited talk

   Slides and ePrint of the Alexandre Falcão´s invited talk

   ISMM´2007 BibTeX references

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