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Call for Papers

Important Dates

  Tutorials Full Papers Ext. Abstracts
Initial submission Jan. 27, 2007
Mar. 2, 2007
Mar. 2, 2007
Mar. 19, 2007
May 25, 2007
June 15, 2007
Notification of acceptance Mar. 16, 2007 May 9, 2007
May 16, 2007
June 20, 2007
Camera-ready submission Aug. 31, 2007 July 6, 2007
July 13, 2007
July 27, 2007
Aug. 27, 2007

*3 weeks after the initial submission but not before June 16, 2007.

   There will be three classes of submission to ISMM´2007:

Tutorials - Submission E-mail and Template for Tutorial Proposal (ZIP)
Full Papers - Submission Form and Author Instructions (PDF)
Extended Abstracts - Submission Form and Author Instructions (PDF)
(Extended Abstracts will be presented as posters)

   Prospective authors are invited to submit contributions in one or more of the categories above, using the electronic procedure described on the conference web site. All submissions must be written in English and include the names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of the authors. Document length (including artwork and references) is limited to 12 pages in B5 format (18.2 x 25.7 cm) for full papers and 2 pages in A4 format (21 x 29.7 cm) for extended abstracts, with no a-priori length limit for tutorial proposals (initial submission of tutorial proposals may consist of extended summaries). Authors are strongly encouraged to adopt the LaTeX typesetting system for submission (appropriate style files are available from the conference website).

   In case of problems with the electronic procedure, the authors are advised to contact the Organization Committee at the address: ismm2007@ime.usp.br

   Acceptance of full papers will be based on appropriateness of the topic, quality, novelty, and clarity of exposition. Each full paper will be reviewed by at least two referees appointed by the Program Committee. The reviews will be returned to the authors. Extended abstracts are held to a lower requirement of novelty and completeness, and will be reviewed by the Poster Session chairpersons. Tutorials will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee for merit, breadth, timeliness, and usefulness to the ISMM´2007 targeted audience.

   All accepted contributions will appear in the online proceedings, whereas accepted full papers will also appear in a printed book. Both will be available at the start of the conference. Final submissions of accepted contributions will have to be prepared by the authors in camera-ready form using LaTeX, according to style files provided on the conference web site (for full paper, see Author Instructions). Final submissions do not include any audiovisual materials to be presented during the conference. There are plans for a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal in the field of image analysis, containing expanded versions of some selected full papers, as judged by the Program Committee (details to be announced on the website).

PDF file of Call for Papers
  ISMM´2007 Proceedings Vol. 1 & 2 :  

   List of submitted slides

   Slides of the Robert Loce invited talk

   Slides of the Luiz Velho invited talk

   Slides and ePrint of the Alexandre Falcão´s invited talk

   ISMM´2007 BibTeX references

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