// Codigo para Janela Pop-up

The registration for ISMM2007 is now open. You can register using the web site:


There you will need to inform us:
  • some personal information. Brazilian residents must inform their CPF.
  • the title of the paper, when applicable.
  • registration status: professional or student (a letter confirming this status will be requested)
  • banquet participation (a fee of R$ 120 reais will be charged for each ticket)
  • type of payment (Brazilian residents with a valid CPF must choose the banking deposit option; Visa credit card for non-residents). For Visa card payment, you just have to provide the first 6 digits of your card. We remind you that Brazilian Funding agencies have made partial fellowships available for Brazilian researchers and students. If you want to apply for a fellowship, we urge you to write to the ISMM committee (ismm2007@ime.usp.br) to receive further instructions on how to proceed.
After clicking on the Continue button, the system will display another page with a summary of your registration. Please verify that all the information is correct and that the amount charged corresponds to what you have chosen, and then please click on the Register button.

If you are paying by Visa, the system will direct you to a secured Visa credit card site (Verified by Visa system), where you will need to provide the complete credit card information. For more information on this process, you may check the following Guardian Page.

Because of the new "Verified by Visa" (VbV) system, your credit card may not be accepted by the system. In that case, we suggest that you call your credit card company to inquire whether it participates of the Verified by Visa system. Unfortunately, Visanet will not allow payments to ISMM´2007 without using the VbV system. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Student* Researcher
R$ Euros US$ R$ Euros US$
Early registration from
July 30th to Sep. 10th
320 120 160 700 260 350
Late registration after
Sep. 10th
520 195 260 900 335 450
Tutorial each 40 15 20 40 15 20

* Students must fax (5511 30916134) an institutional letter declaring their status at the institution.

For fee payment amount definition please consider payment date not registration date.

Payment will be made using fees in Reais. Fees in Euros or US$ are just referential.

Payment for persons outside of Brazil should be made with a VISA credit card.
For persons in Brazil, payment should be made by a deposit or wire-transfer to the ISMM´2007 banking account. Further instructions will be posted at this place on the conference website.

Registration fee includes: technical and poster sessions; coffee breaks; welcome reception and folder with office supplies.

Banquet tickets could be bought in separate at the conference reception.

Some partial fellowships are available for Brazilian students and researchers from Brazilian research and education agencies. Prospective candidates should contact the organization as soon as possible (ismm2007@ime.usp.br).

Fees will be 50% refunded for any signed written cancellation received before October the 1st 2007 (post marked stamp) and/or faxed to 5511 30916134. No refund will be made for cancellation after October the 1st 2007.

  ISMM´2007 Proceedings Vol. 1 & 2 :  

   List of submitted slides

   Slides of the Robert Loce invited talk

   Slides of the Luiz Velho invited talk

   Slides and ePrint of the Alexandre Falcão´s invited talk

   ISMM´2007 BibTeX references

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