
The 30 most frequent keywords are listed below.
The number at the left of each keyword listed below, refers to the number of occurrences of this keyword in the field Keywords.
This statistical evaluation was made on: April 19, 2024
(only the administrator can update it by pressing the Reload Button of the URLibService graphic interface with the repository selected - all the sites listed in the @siteList.txt file of this repository must be running).

388 remote sensing
366 sensoriamento remoto
263 meteorologia
227 remote sensing
217 sensoriamento remoto
210 meteorology
171 sensoriamento remoto
166 queimadas
163 incêndios florestais
155 x
145 geoprocessamento
136 remote sensing
136 sensoriamento remoto
131 geoprocessing
131 remote sensing
115 ndvi
114 review
109 google earth engine
107 remote sensing
107 x
105 pantanal
 99 landsat
 98 amazônia
 98 produção científica
 97 sensoriamento remoto
 96 astrodinâmica
 93 autoarquivamento
 93 precipitation
 90 amazon