
               author = "Chan, Chou Sin",
                title = "An{\'a}lise de dist{\'u}rbios ondulat{\'o}rios de leste sobre o 
                         Oceano Atl{\^a}ntico Equatorial Sul",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "1990",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "1990-08-29",
             keywords = "meteorologia, climatologia, Oceano Atl{\^a}ntico Equatorial Sul, 
                         dist{\'u}rbios equatoriais, meteorology, climatology, Atlantic 
                         Ocean, equatorial disturbance.",
             abstract = "Analisa-se as caracter{\'{\i}}sticas ondulat{\'o}rias 
                         b{\'a}sicas dos dist{\'u}rbios equatoriais de leste sobre o 
                         Oceano Atl{\^a}ntico Equatorial Sul, pr{\'o}ximo a costa da 
                         Am{\'e}rica do Sul, durante o First GARP (Global Atmospheric 
                         Research Program) Global Experiment (FGGE). Foram utilizados dados 
                         do National Meteorological Center (NMC) e dados de 
                         radia{\c{c}}{\~a}o de onda longa (ROL). An{\'a}lises de 
                         diagramas tipo {"}Hovmoller{"} da componente meridional do vento 
                         revelam dist{\'u}rbios ondulat{\'o}rios se propagando para oeste 
                         com velocidade de fase entre 10 a 12m/s, per{\'{\i}}odo entre 5 
                         a 6 dias, e comprimento de onde 4800 km a 6200 km. H{\'a} sinais 
                         de dist{\'u}rbios durante todo o ano. No outono ocorrem as ondas 
                         mais curgas, enquanto no inverno ocorrem as ondss mais longas. As 
                         an{\'a}lises mostram dist{\'u}rbios em ROL com per{\'{\i}}odos 
                         entre 10 a 30 e entre 30 a 60 dias. Os espectros de pot{\^e}ncia 
                         da componente meridional do vento apresentam picos no intervalo de 
                         3 a 5 dias em 5 S. Estes picos se destacam mais nas 
                         esta{\c{c}}{\~o}es de outono e inverno, em torno de 20 W e 25 W. 
                         Os espectros cruzados indicam ondas se propagando para oeste com a 
                         velocidade de 9,5 m/s e comprimento de onda de 3300 km durante o 
                         trimestre MAM, e velocidade de 15 m/s e comprimento de 5200 km 
                         durante o trimestre JJA. ABSTRACT: Using the National 
                         Meteorological Center (NMC) daily data and Outgoing Longwave 
                         Radiation data (OLR), this study focus on the main features of 
                         wave disturbances over the Fguatorial Atlantic Ocean, vicinity of 
                         South America, during the First GARI' Global Experiment (FGGE). 
                         Hovmoller diagrams and spectrum analysis of the meridional 
                         component of wind at 850 hPa are used to estimate the time scale 
                         and the propagation features of wave disturbances. Analysis of 
                         Hovmoller diagrams reveal, throughout the year, the existence of 
                         waves propagating westward with a period of 5-6 days, phase speed 
                         of 10-12 m/s, and wavelength of about 4800-6200 km. During the 
                         southern autumn, the waves are relatively short while during the 
                         southern winter the waves are relatively long. Also during these 
                         seasons the amplitude of the waves are relatively larger than 
                         during thec., ther seasons. These disturbances are only weakly 
                         observed in OLR data, while disturbances of 10-30 days and 30-60 
                         days period were more evident. Power spectra of meridional wind 
                         component show peaks between 3-5 days over the Atlantic Ocean at 5 
                         °S. These peaks are more prominent during autumn and winter and at 
                         about 20°W and 25°W. Cross spectra indicate waves travelling 
                         westwards at speed of 9.5 m/s and wavelength of 3300 km during 
                         southern autumn, and at phase speed of 15 m/s and wavelength of 
                         about 5200 km during southern winter.",
            committee = "Rao, Vadlamudi Brahamananda (presidente) and Ferreira, Nelson de 
                         Jesus (orientador) and Prakki, Satyamurty (orientador) and Kayano, 
                         Mary Toshie and Caetano Neto, Ernesto dos Santos",
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
         englishtitle = "Analysis of wave disturbances from east over equatorial South 
                         Atlantic Oceanic",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "134",
                  ibi = "6qtX3pFwXQZGivnJSY/HcboD",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/6qtX3pFwXQZGivnJSY/HcboD",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "27 jul. 2024"
