
1. Identificação
Tipo de ReferênciaArtigo em Evento (Conference Proceedings)
Código do Detentorisadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S
Última Atualização2014: (UTC) administrator
Repositório de Metadadossid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2014/
Última Atualização dos Metadados2021: (UTC) administrator
Chave SecundáriaINPE--PRE/
Chave de CitaçãoLyraLatiChouMare:2014:SiPrCl
TítuloSimulações e Projeções Climáticas Regionais sobre a América do Sul/ Regional Climate Simulations and Projections over South America
Data de Acesso26 abr. 2024
Tipo SecundárioPRE CN
Número de Arquivos1
Tamanho1526 KiB
2. Contextualização
Autor1 Lyra, André de Arruda
2 Latinovic, Dragan
3 Chou, Sin Chan
4 Marengo, José Antônio
Afiliação1 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
2 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
3 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
4 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
Endereço de e-Mail do Autor1 andre.lyra@cptec.inpe.br
2 dragan.latinovic@cptec.inpe.br
3 chou.sinchan@cptec.inpe.br
4 jose.marengo@inpe.br
Nome do EventoCongresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 18 (CBMET).
Localização do EventoRecife, PE
Data3-6 nov., 2014
Histórico (UTC)2014-12-29 17:28:08 :: valdirene -> administrator ::
2021-03-06 05:23:06 :: administrator -> valdirene :: 2014
3. Conteúdo e estrutura
É a matriz ou uma cópia?é a matriz
Estágio do Conteúdoconcluido
Tipo do ConteúdoExternal Contribution
Palavras-Chaveregional modelling
climate change
ResumoThe objective of this study is to assess the climate simulations and projections over South America using the regional climate Eta Model driven by fully coupled Earth System Model HadGEM2-ES of the Met Office Hadley Centre. The HadGEM2-ES was designed to run the major scenarios for IPCC AR5 and comprises Earth system components such as terrestrial and ocean carbon cycle and tropospheric chemistry. Over the past years the regional climate Eta Model has been used to produce climate change scenarios over South America (Pesquero et al. 2009, Chou et al. 2012, Marengo et al. 2012). In this study, Eta model was configured with 38 vertical layers, 20-km grid size and was run over 19602005 based on historical emissions, and 20062100 based on RCP4.5 scenarios to simulate possible future changes. We have evaluated the regional climate simulation for some areas in Brazil, particularly for Amazon and Northeast, Southeast and South regions of Brazil. Annual cycle of precipitation and surface temperature for these areas was compared with CRU (Climatic Research Unit) observational data. Simulated and projected patterns of mean fields of precipitation, temperature and upper and low-level circulation were analyzed for austral summer and winter. The regional model reproduces reasonably well the spatial patterns of the precipitation and temperature. The downscaling with Eta model improved the simulation of the seasonal cycle of precipitation and temperature over Brazil and some regions when compared with HadGEM2-ES. The projections suggested increases in DJF and JJA temperature of up to 4 °C in continental South America, with more intense changes occurring in the second half of the twenty-first century. The precipitation projections showed the major changes in summer.
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Arranjo 4urlib.net > BDMCI > Fonds > Produção pgr ATUAIS > CST > Simulações e Projeções...
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4. Condições de acesso e uso
URL dos dadoshttp://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34P/3HLP9GS
URL dos dados zipadoshttp://urlib.net/zip/8JMKD3MGP3W34P/3HLP9GS
Arquivo AlvoLyra_Regional.pdf
Grupo de Usuáriosvaldirene
Grupo de Leitoresadministrator
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5. Fontes relacionadas
VinculaçãoTrabalho não Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação
Repositório Espelhosid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2013/
Unidades Imediatamente Superiores8JMKD3MGPCW/3F35TRS
Lista de Itens Citandosid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2013/ 2
sid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2013/ 1
Acervo Hospedeirosid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2013/
6. Notas
Campos Vaziosarchivingpolicy archivist booktitle callnumber copyholder copyright creatorhistory descriptionlevel dissemination doi e-mailaddress edition editor format isbn issn label language lineage mark nextedition notes numberofvolumes orcid organization pages parameterlist parentrepositories previousedition previouslowerunit progress project publisher publisheraddress resumeid rightsholder schedulinginformation secondarydate secondarymark serieseditor session shorttitle sponsor subject tertiarytype type url versiontype volume
7. Controle da descrição
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