{ServeLocalCollection (5):} {catched error from mtc-m21b.sid.inpe.br} {too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?)} { while executing} \"if\ \[regexp\ \{\\.\}\ \$fieldName\]\ \{ {# ex: mark.theta*} { set #Flag 0 ;# the field name doesn't begin with #} { set fieldList $fieldName} \t\t\t\t\t\}\ else\ \{ ...\" { invoked from within} \"if\ \[regexp\ \{\\*\}\ \$pattern\]\ \{ { set pattern2 [SetNoMatch $pattern $accent $case 0 $intervalRepresentationFlag]} {# puts --$pattern2} { set string $pa..."} { ("foreach" body line 9)} { invoked from within} \"foreach\ pattern\ \[CreateIntervalRepresentation\ \$word\]\ \{ {# puts [list $pattern $fieldName]} {# => 50 mark.theta*} {# => shown visibility} {# => ** *} {# return} ...\" { ("foreach" body line 17)} { invoked from within} \"foreach\ word\ \[eval\ concat\ \$words\]\ \{ \t\t\tif\ \$listOfWordsFlag\ \{ \t\t\t\tif\ \[info\ exists\ wordArray(\$fieldName)\]\ \{ \t\t\t\t\tif\ \{\[lsearch\ \$wordArray(\$fieldName)\ \$wo...\" { invoked from within} \"if\ \[regexp\ \{\ and\ |\ or\ \}\ \$string\]\ \{ {# puts $string} #\t\tif\ !\[string\ equal\ \[llength\ \$string\]\ \[llength\ \[join\ \$string\]\]\]\ \{ #\ syntax\ error\ example:\ \{af\ inpe\ ...\" { (procedure "Search" line 65)} { invoked from within} {"Search {repository, sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2017/} yes no repArray @q&WWtY!Y {}"} { ("eval" body line 1)} { invoked from within} {"eval $virtualRepList"} { (procedure "or" line 6)} { invoked from within} {"or [list Search [list repository, sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2017/] yes no repArray @q\&WWtY!Y {}]"} { ("eval" body line 1)} { invoked from within} {"eval $statement"} { ("foreach" body line 26)} { invoked from within} \"foreach\ statement\ \[lreplace\ \[split\ \$string\ %\]\ 0\ 0\]\ \{ {# puts -1->$statement--} {# puts --$codedPassword--} #\t\t\tif\ \[regsub\ \{^(and\ |or\ )not\ \}\ \$statement\ \{\\1...\" { invoked from within} {"if [regexp {^related:(.*?):(.*?):(.*?):(.*?):(.*?):(.*?):} $string m metadataRep-i language selectedFieldNameList numberOfCombinations importantWordLi..."} { (procedure "dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/" line 24)} { invoked from within} {"${searchRepository}::MountSearch $searchExpression $accent $case repArray $codedPassword"} { (procedure "Select2" line 12)} { invoked from within} {"Select2 repository [list repository, $ibi] $administratorCodedPassword"} { (procedure "FindRepositoryNameFromIBI" line 15)} { invoked from within} {"FindRepositoryNameFromIBI $ibi"} { (procedure "GetURLPropertyList" line 47)} { invoked from within} \"GetURLPropertyList\ \{clientinformation.ipaddress\\ parsedibiurl.ibi\ sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2017/\ parsedibiurl.verblist\ GetFileList\ ...\" { ("eval" body line 1)} { invoked from within} {"eval $cmd"}