%% sample.tex VERSION 2 (February 9th, 2007 - revised February 12th, 2007) %% sampledocument.tex VERSION 3 (April 27th, 2007) %% A sample full paper template you modify and save as fullpaperdocument.tex %% to produce your camera-ready full paper %% +-------------+ %% | PAPER TITLE | %% +-------------+ %\title[ short-title ]{ full-title } \title% [Author instructions for ISMM 2007]% short title (maximum of 50 characters) {Author instructions for ISMM 2007 full paper: Version~3}% full title %% +---------+ %% | AUTHORS | %% +---------+ \begin{Authors} \Author{Gerald Jean Francis Banon}% full name (without abbreviation) %% Affiliation: Institution Name [(achronym)], [City], [State], Country \Affil{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), São José dos Campos, Brazil \\* \email{banon@inpe.br}}% institutional e-mail address \Author{Ulisses de Mendonça Braga-Neto}% full name (without abbreviation) \Affil{Texas A\&M University, College Station, TX, USA \\* \email{ulisses@ece.tamu.edu}}% institutional e-mail address %% If two or more authors share an affiliation, pass an optional %% argument to the command \Affil when the affiliation is referred %% for the first time. This argument should be a key consisting %% of one or more letters (only letters). Then use the command %% \Affilref[] after any subsequent authors that share the %% affiliation. %% Example: \Author{Third Author Full Name}% full name (without abbreviation) \Affil [CF]%the key {Collège de France, Paris \\*% the affiliation \email{\{third.name,fifth.name\}@college-de-france.fr}}% institutional e-mail address \Author% [\email{fourth.author.name@uol.com.br}]% non institutional e-mail address must be placed in footnote {Fourth Author Full Name}% full name (without abbreviation) \Affilref[CF]% that is "Collège de France, Paris" \Affil{Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil} \Author{Fifth Author Full Name}% full name (without abbreviation) \Affilref[CF]% that is "Collège de France, Paris" %% and so on \end{Authors} %% +-----------------------+ %% | ABSTRACT and KEYWORDS | %% +-----------------------+ %% Abstract and keywords are written inside two environments, %% the "Abstract" amd the "Keywords" environments, respectively. %% Note the uppercase "A" and "K". %% Keywords are separated with comma. The last keyword ends %% with a period. \begin{Abstract} This document shows you how to lay out your full paper for ISMM 2007. Version 2 (February 9th, 2007) adds the use of the amsrefs package for bibliographic references. Version 3 (April 27th, 2007) adds prefixes to label and file name for producing camera-ready full papers to be combined for the final book. Abstract should have at most 12 lines. \end{Abstract} \begin{Keywords} \Index{author instructions}, \Index{sample}, \Index{regular metric space}. \end{Keywords} %% +----------+ %% | SECTIONS | %% +----------+ \section{Introduction} \label{\fullpaperid:sec:Introduction}% you must prefix your labels {here sec:Introduction) with the string \fullpaperid: (this will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book) To prepare, edit and submit your ISMM 2007 camera-ready full paper, please follow the steps below (mandatory). \begin{enumerate} \item Read the reviewers recommendations about your full paper by accessing the \href{http://ismm.dpi.inpe.br/restrictedArea}{ISMM'2007 site restricted area}, submitting your login and password, and then clicking \textit{review}. Please, carefully take into account the corrections and improvements recommended by the reviewers when preparing the camera-ready version of your paper. \item Create a folder in your file system called \textsf{\mbox{ISMM2007fullpaper}} (you \textbf{must} use this name). \item Open the file: \\* \url{http://ismm.dpi.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2006/} \item Extract this file to the folder \textsf{\mbox{ISMM2007fullpaper}}. This folder now contains latex files for the preparation of your document. \item Open the template file \textsf{\mbox{ISMM2007fullpaper/sampledocument.tex}} with your \LaTeX\ editor. \item Overwrite the text with your own and save it as \textsf{\mbox{fullpaperdocument.tex}} (you \textbf{must} use this name -- don't use capital letters). This file must not contain the \LaTeX\ commands \verb!\begin{document}! and \verb!\end{document}! --- these commands are already part of the file \textsf{\mbox{fullpaper.tex}} (see~Item~\ref{\fullpaperid:item:fullpaper.pdf}) \item (optional) Open the file \textsf{\mbox{ISMM2007fullpaper/fullpaperpreamble.tex}} with your \LaTeX\ editor and enter the \LaTeX\ commands you want to appear in the preamble (don't change the name of this file). \item Create the file \textsf{\mbox{fullpaper.pdf}} by compiling the file \textsf{\mbox{fullpaper.tex}} contained in the folder \textsf{\mbox{ISMM2007fullpaper}}. \label{\fullpaperid:item:fullpaper.pdf} The content of the \textsf{\mbox{fullpaper.tex}} file \textbf{must not} be changed (only the content of \textsf{\mbox{fullpaperdocument.tex}} and \textsf{\mbox{fullpaperpreamble.tex}} may be changed --- these two files are called from \textsf{\mbox{fullpaper.tex}}). \item Open the file \textsf{\mbox{consent.doc}} containing the \textit{Consent to Publish \& Transfer of Copyright}, fill it out, print it, sign it, scan it and deposit it as a pdf file \textsf{\mbox{consent.pdf}} within the \textsf{\mbox{ISMM2007fullpaper}} folder. \item Create a ZIP file of the content of the folder \textsf{\mbox{ISMM2007fullpaper}}. % \item Open the \href{http://ismm.dpi.inpe.br:80/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/} {ISMM'2007 Full Paper Submission Form} \item Open your the ISMM'2007 Camera-Ready Full Paper Form by accessing the \href{http://ismm.dpi.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/hermes2@80/2006/}{ISMM'2007 site restricted area}, submitting your login and password, and clicking \textit{I want to access my works} and then \textit{update}.--- updates are possible until July 6th, 2007. WARNING: check the author and title field contents. They will be used to create the Author Index. For this reason, they must match with what you inform in the title page of your paper. % \item Fill out the form, attach the ZIP file and press the Submit or OK button. \item Attach the ZIP file to the form and press the OK button. \end{enumerate} % The above procedure is required for camera-ready full paper and recommended as well for the initial submission of the full paper. Nevertheless, for initial submission, a simple PDF file, in 10 point Times, single-spaced text (11.5 $\times$ 19 cm) is also accepted in place of the ZIP file. The paper must be in ENGLISH and its size be limited to 12 pages including artwork and references. The ISMM 2007 final paper has to be prepared in \LaTeX\ according to the class (style) file \textsf{\mbox{ISMM2007proceedings.cls}} contained in the folder \textsf{\mbox{ISMM2007fullpaper}}. This \textsf{\mbox{sample.pdf}} document, more precisely the file \textsf{\mbox{sampledocument.tex}}, shows through examples how to build some basic components of a paper such as a figure or a table using \LaTeX. Please, pay a special attention on how to reference image files (see Section \ref{\fullpaperid:sec:Figure}), how to form label for making cross-references (see Section \ref{\fullpaperid:sec:How to make cross-references}) and how to form citation keys (see Section \ref{\fullpaperid:sec:How to cite}). This will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book. %---------------------------------------- \section{Sub section and lists} \subsection{Example of a subsection} Below, there are more subsections in this section. %% \subsubsection{Example of a subsubsection} Subsubsections are not numbered in this class. %% \subsection{Unnumbered list using description} \begin{description} \item[First item.] Vanum est vobis ante lucem surgere: surgite postquam sederitis, qui manducatis panem doloris. \item[Second item.] Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum. \end{description} \subsection{Numbered list} See an example in Section \ref{\fullpaperid:sec:Introduction} (Introduction). %\subsection{Mathematical numbered list} %See examples in Section \ref{\fullpaperid:sec:Definition and proposition} (Definition and proposition). \subsection{Unnumbered list} \begin{itemize} \item Example of an unnumbered list. Et exultavit spiritus meus in salutari meo. Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae. \item Emittet verbum suum, et liquefaciet ea; flabit spiritus eius, et fluent aquae. \end{itemize} %---------------------------------------- \section{Figure} \label{\fullpaperid:sec:Figure}% you must prefix your labels {here sec:Figure) with the string \fullpaperid: (this will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book) \autoref{\fullpaperid:fig:1} (don't use neither Fig. 1 nor figure 1) is an example of a figure with two subfigures: Figure~\ref{\fullpaperid:subfig:1a} and Figure~\ref{\fullpaperid:subfig:1b}. This figure has been extracted from the work of A. Asano, T. Ohkubo, M. Muneyasu, T. Hinamot entitled: "Texture Primitive Description Using Morphological Skeleton" and presented at ISMM 2002. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \subfigure[]{\label{\fullpaperid:subfig:1a}% you must prefix your labels (here subfig:1a) with the string \fullpaperid: (this will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book) \includegraphics[width=0.4\hsize]{\fullpaperpdirectory/images/figa.pdf}} % here images/figa.pdf is in the same directory as this current .tex file - you must prefix the file names (here images/figa.pdf) with the string \fullpaperpdirectory/ (this will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book) \hspace{0.02\hsize} \subfigure[]{\label{\fullpaperid:subfig:1b}% you must prefix your labels (here subfig:1b) with the string \fullpaperid: (this will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book) \includegraphics[width=0.4\hsize]{\fullpaperpdirectory/images/figb.pdf}} % here images/figb.pdf is in the same directory as this current .tex file - you must prefix the file names (here images/figb.pdf) with the string \fullpaperpdirectory/ (this will be important wwhen compiling the final book) \caption{An example of skeletonization. (a)~Covering a rectangle with circles. (b)~Skeleton (thick lines). (Source: A. Asano, T. Ohkubo, M. Muneyasu, T. Hinamoto, \url{http://www.cmis.csiro.au/ismm2002/proceedings/PDF/07_asano1.pdf})} \label{\fullpaperid:fig:1}% you must prefix your labels (here fig:1) with the string \fullpaperid: (this will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book) \end{figure} Be warned that image files are imported with the \verb!graphicx! package, so the optional argument of the \verb!\includegraphics! command must follow the appropriate syntax (see for example: \url{http://tex.loria.fr/graph-pack/grf/grf.htm#Q1-1-7}). The book will be produced using pdflatex, so image files must be in PDF, PNG, or JPG (not EPS) format. The image files should be placed in the folder \textsf{\mbox{ISMM2007fullpaper/images}} and must be referenced using the prefix \verb!\fullpaperpdirectory/!. For example, to include the \textsf{\mbox{ISMM2007fullpaper/images/figa.pdf}} file, use the command \verb!\includegraphics{\fullpaperpdirectory/images/figa.pdf}!. %---------------------------------------- \section{Table} \autoref{\fullpaperid:table:1} (don't use neither Tab. 1 nor table 1) is an example of table. \begin{table}[hb] \centering \caption{Effects of the two types of scaling proposed by Dennard and Co-Workers.} \label{\fullpaperid:table:1}% you must prefix your labels (here table:1) with the string \fullpaperid: (this will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book) \begin{tabular}{lcc} \hline% horizontal line \itshape Parameter& \itshape $\kappa$ Scaling& \itshape $\kappa$, $\lambda$ Scaling\\* \hline Dimension& $\kappa^{-1}$& $\lambda^{-1}$\\* Currant& $\kappa^{-1}$& $\lambda/\kappa^{2}$\\* \Index{Dopant Concentration}& $\kappa$& $\lambda^2/\kappa$\\* \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} %---------------------------------------- \section{Definition and proposition} \label{\fullpaperid:sec:Definition and proposition}% you must prefix your labels (here sec:Definition and proposition) with the string \fullpaperid: (this will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book) For mathematical symbols see for example: \url{http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~ulbrich/Sonstiges/symbols-a4.pdf}. Here are examples of a mathematical definition and a proposition. %\newcommand should be in preamble In a metric space we can define the concepts of straight-line and sphere. Let \((E, d)\) be a metric space \cite{Banon:Heijmans:1994:MoImOp}*{Definition 7.10}. For any \(x, y\in E\), and any \(i\in d(\{x\}\times E)\) (i.e., the image of \({x}\times E\) through \(d\,\)), let us define the following subsets of \(E\): \begin{gather*} L_{1}(x, y) \triangleq \{z \in E: d(x, z) = d(x, y) + d(y, z)\},\\ L_{2}(x, y) \triangleq \{z \in E: d(x, y) = d(x, z) + d(z, y)\},\\ L_{3}(x, y) \triangleq \{z \in E: d(z, y) = d(z, x) + d(x, y)\},\\ \text{and}\\ S(x, i) \triangleq \{z \in E: d(x, z) = i\}. \end{gather*} \newpage \begin{definition}[regular metric spaces]% between square brackets \label{\fullpaperid:regularmetricspaces}% you must prefix your labels (here regularmetricspaces) with the string \fullpaperid: (this will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book) Let $(E, d)$ be a metric space. The metric $d$ on $E$ is \begin{mathenum} \item lower regular of type 1 if $S(x, i) \cap L_{1}(x, y) \neq \emptyset$, for any $x$ and $y \in E$, and any $i \in d(\{x\} \times E)$, such that $d(x, y) \leq i$; \item lower regular of type 2 if $S(x, i) \cap L_{2}(x, y) \neq \emptyset$, for any $x$ and $y \in E$, and any $i \in d(\{x\} \times E)$, such that $i \leq d(x, y)$; \item upper regular if $S(x, i) \cap L_{3}(x, y) \neq \emptyset$, for any $x$ and $y \in E$, and any $i \in d(\{x\} \times E)$; \item regular if it is lower regular (of type 1 and 2) and upper regular. A metric space $(E, d)$ is {\em regular} if its metric is regular. \end{mathenum} \end{definition} \begin{proposition}[generated balls versus inclusion] \label{\fullpaperid:generatedballsversusinclusion}% you must prefix your labels (here generatedballsversusinclusion) with the string \fullpaperid: (this will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book) Let $B$ be a finite symmetric ball, then for any $x$ and $y$ in \Zsquare\ and any $i$ and $j$ in $\Natural$, \begin{mathenum} \item $x \in (jB)_{y} \Rightarrow (iB)_{x} \subset ((i + j)B)_{y}\,$, and \item if $B$ has the closure property, then $(iB)_{x} \subset ((i + j)B)_{y} \Rightarrow x \in (jB)_{y}$. \end{mathenum} \end{proposition} %---------------------------------------- \section{How to make cross-references} \label{\fullpaperid:sec:How to make cross-references}% you must prefix your labels {here sec:How to make cross-references) with the string \fullpaperid: (this will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book) Section \ref{\fullpaperid:sec:Introduction} (don't use neiher Sec. 1 neither section 1) is the Introduction \ldots\ is an example of a cross-reference. Labels used in your latex files to reference sections, figures, tables must be unique. Since all full papers will be combined for the final book, you \textbf{must} prefix your labels with the string \verb!\fullpaperid:!. For example the key for labeling and referring the Introduction in this document is \verb!\fullpaperid:sec:Introduction!. In other words, the Introduction is labeled using the \LaTeX\ command \verb!\label{\fullpaperid:sec:Introduction}! and referred to using the command \verb!\ref{\fullpaperid:sec:Introduction}!. %---------------------------------------- \section{How to index} You \textbf{must} use the \verb!\Index{...}! command to index words in text (don't use \verb!\index{...}!). The command \verb!\Index{...}! also display the words for you. Don't load the \textsf{\mbox{makeidx}} package. Here is an example of indexing and displaying the group of words `\Index{regular metric}': \verb!\Index{regular metric}!. Don't index the group of words `mathematical morphology'. You should not produce subentry, i.e. the argument of the \verb!\Index{...}! command must not contain the \verb+!+ character. It must not contain the \verb+@+ character as well. %---------------------------------------- \section{How to cite} \label{\fullpaperid:sec:How to cite}% you must prefix your labels {here sec:How to cite) with the string \fullpaperid: (this will be important when combining all the full papers for the final book) \cite{Banon:Heijmans:1994:MoImOp} is an example of how to cite the Heijmans' book. Don't forget to implement the bibliographic references with the amsrefs package (see \url{ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/amsrefs/amsrdoc.pdf}). Citation keys must also be unique. Since all full papers will be combined for the final book you \textbf{must} prefix your citation keys with the first author last name. For example the citation key for the Heijmans' book in this author instructions (by Banon as first author) must be \verb!Banon:Heijmans:1994:MoImOp! instead of \verb!Heijmans:1994:MoImOp!. If you are the first author of more than one full paper, you \textbf{must} prefix the citation keys with a number to distinguish between them, for example, using \verb!1:Banon:Heijmans:1994:MoImOp! in the first full paper and \verb!2:Banon:Heijmans:1994:MoImOp! in the second one. % % BIBLIOGRAPHY % for details, see ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/amsrefs/amsrdoc.pdf % \begin{bibsection} \begin{biblist}[\resetbiblist{9}] \bib{Banon:Banon:2000:NeInDi}{article}{ author={Banon, Gerald J. F.}, title={New insight on digital topology}, booktitle={Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing}, address={Boston}, publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers}, book={ editor={Goutsias, John}, editor={Vincent, Luc}, editor={Bloomberg, Dan S.}, publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers}, address={Boston}, date={2000}, }, conference={ title={International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, 5}, date={2000-06-{26--28}}, address={Palo Alto, USA}, }, pages={138--148} } \bib{Banon:BanonBarr:1998:BaMoM}{report}{ author={Banon, Gerald J. F.}, author={Barrera, Junior}, date={1998}, title={Bases da morfologia matemática para a análise de imagens binárias}, organization={INPE}, address={São José dos Campos}, edition={2}, note={Available from: <\url{http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/rep/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/}>. Access in: 2003-04-17. rep: dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/} } \bib{Banon:Heijmans:1994:MoImOp}{book}{ author={Heijmans, Henk J. A. M.}, date={1994}, title={Morphological image operators}, address={Boston}, publisher={Academic} } \bib{Banon:Serra:1982:ImAnMa}{book}{ author={Serra, Jean}, date={1982}, title={Image analysis and mathematical morphology}, address={London}, publisher={Academic} } \bib{Banon:RosenfeldPfal:1968:DiFuDi}{article}{ author={Rosenfeld, Azriel}, author={Pfaltz, John L.}, date={1968}, title={Digital functions on digital pictures}, journal={Pattern Recognition}, volume={1}, number={1}, pages={33--61} } \end{biblist} \end{bibsection}