Run test of BRAMS_5-01 $ cd BRAMS-5.01/bin $ gedit RAMSIN_5-01 change RUNTYPE = 'INITIAL' to MAKESFC The MAKESFC generate the surface files in the folder SFC in dataout Note that some variables CAN receive input data that has to coincide with the date you put in " Start of simulation" Are these:HFILIN, PASTFN and NUD_HFILE Also note that some variables HAVE to receive input data according to the date you put in " Start of simulation" Are these: USDATA_IN and IAPR If the data come from operational files, that is from scratchout, these are deleted every 40 days, so if run using data from scratchout there being an current date. sure you will use serial $ gedit Change to serial run the model $ ./ give the command to see if it's running $ qstat -u "your_name" If you want to monitor the outgoing message, type $ tail -f makevfile.log are generated the messages saida.out, saida.err and makvfile.log They are created files in the folder SFC $ gedit RAMSIN_5-01 change RUNTYPE = 'MAKESFC' to MAKEVFILE run the model $ ./ are generated the messages saida.out, saida.err and makvfile.log They are created files in the folder IVAR It was used DPs files based on the date that you have chosen to run, IYEAR1, if you need to run some ancient date , you must get old DPs files. $ gedit RAMSIN_5-01 change RUNTYPE = 'MAKEVFILE' to INITIAL The phase INITIAL usually need many processors, then, change the run_brams to parallel $ gedit Change to parallel run the model $ ./ are generated the messages saida.out, saida.err and makvfile.log They are created files in the folders ANL HIS UMIDADE e POSPROCESS In the folder POSPROCESS there are the files .ctl which are opened by grads. $cd POSPROCESS $ grads Possible errors that you will commit in the future - there must be a proportion between the variables Deltax(y) with DTlong - Input data NUD_HFILE, HFILIN, PASTFN, USDATA_IN IAPR, ITOPTFN to NDVIFN, out of date, or not exist.