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	<metadata ReferenceType="Conference Proceedings">
		<site>mtc-m16b.sid.inpe.br 802</site>
		<holdercode>{isadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S}</holdercode>
		<lastupdate>2018: cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2003/ marciana</lastupdate>
		<metadatalastupdate>2022: sid.inpe.br/bibdigital@80/2006/ administrator</metadatalastupdate>
		<title>On the influences of the EL Nino, La Nina and Atlantic dipole pattern on the Amazonian rainfall during 1960-1998</title>
		<secondarytype>PRE CI</secondarytype>
		<size>97 KiB</size>
		<author>Tota, Julio,</author>
		<author>Souza, Everaldo B. de,</author>
		<author>Pezzi, Luciano,</author>
		<author>Fisch, Gilberto,</author>
		<author>Nobre, Carlos Afonso,</author>
		<author>Kayano, Mary Toshie,</author>
		<affiliation>CPTEC-INPE-Cachoeira Paulista-12630-000-SP-Brasil</affiliation>
		<conferencename>International Conference On Southern Hemisphere Meteorology And Oceanography.</conferencename>
		<date>3-7 Apr.</date>
		<tertiarytype>Poster Session</tertiarytype>
		<contenttype>External Contribution</contenttype>
		<abstract>Most of the annual total rainfall over the Amazon occurs during the austral sunmer (decembcr to February) and autumn (March to May) months. The summer rainfall accounts for lhe highest percentages of the annual total with the largest values increasing from the northern sector towards the central and soulhem sectors. The autumn shows an inverse pattern, i.e., with the highest percentages ranging from 40% to 48% in the northem sector (particularly the oriental Amazon) and the lowest values spanning from 24% to 270% in the southern sector. The strong  seasonal superfiacail heating during the austral summer andd autumn causes deep conection and defines the Amazon rainy period.</abstract>
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