
4D vector.


[name]( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z], [page:Float w] )

x -- [page:Float]
y -- [page:Float]
z -- [page:Float]
w -- [page:Float]


[property:Float x]

[property:Float y]

[property:Float z]

[property:Float w]


[method:Vector4 set]( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z], [page:Float w] ) [page:Vector4 this]

Sets value of this vector.

[method:Vector4 copy]( [page:Vector4 v] ) [page:Vector4 this]

Copies value of *v* to this vector.

[method:Vector4 add]( [page:Vector4 v] ) [page:Vector4 this]

Adds *v* to this vector.

[method:Vector4 addVectors]( [page:Vector4 a], [page:Vector4 b] ) [page:Vector4 this]

Sets this vector to *a + b*.

[method:Vector4 sub]( [page:Vector4 v] )

Subtracts *v* from this vector.

[method:Vector4 subVectors]( [page:Vector4 a], [page:Vector4 b] ) [page:Vector4 this]

Sets this vector to *a - b*.

[method:Vector4 multiplyScalar]( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector4 this]

Multiplies this vector by scalar *s*.

[method:Vector4 divideScalar]( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector4 this]

Divides this vector by scalar *s*.
Set vector to *( 0, 0, 0 )* if *s == 0*.

[method:Vector4 negate]() [page:Vector4 this]

Inverts this vector.

[method:Float dot]( [page:Vector4 v] )

Computes dot product of this vector and *v*.

[method:Float lengthSq]()

Computes squared length of this vector.

[method:Float length]()

Computes length of this vector.

[method:Vector4 normalize]() [page:Vector4 this]

Normalizes this vector.

[method:Vector4 setLength]( [page:Float l] ) [page:Vector4 this]

Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by *l*.

[method:Vector4 lerp]( [page:Vector4 v], [page:Float alpha] ) [page:Vector4 this]

Linearly interpolate between this vector and *v* with *alpha* factor.

[method:Vector4 lerpVectors]( [page:Vector4 v1], [page:Vector4 v2], [page:Float alpha] ) [page:Vector4 this]

Sets this vector to be the vector linearly interpolated between *v1* and *v2* with *alpha* factor.

[method:Vector4 clone]()

Clones this vector.

[method:Vector4 clamp]([page:Vector4 min], [page:Vector4 max]) [page:Vector4 this]

min -- [page:Vector4]
max -- [page:Vector4]
If this vector's x, y, z, or w value is greater than the max vector's x, y, z, or w value, it is replaced by the corresponding value.

If this vector's x, y, z, or w value is less than the min vector's x, y, z, or w value, it is replace by the corresponding value.

[method:Vector4 clampScalar]([page:Float min], [page:Float max]) [page:Vector4 this]

min -- [page:Float] the minimum value the components will be clamped to
max -- [page:Float] the maximum value the components will be clamped to
If this vector's x, y, z or w values are greater than the max value, they are replaced by the max value.
If this vector's x, y, z or w values are less than the min value, they are replace by the min value.

[method:Vector4 floor]()

The components of the vector are rounded downwards (towards negative infinity) to an integer value.

[method:Vector4 ceil]()

The components of the vector are rounded upwards (towards positive infinity) to an integer value.

[method:Vector4 round]()

The components of the vector are rounded towards the nearest integer value.

[method:Vector4 roundToZero]()

The components of the vector are rounded towards zero (up if negative, down if positive) to an integer value.

[method:Vector4 applyMatrix4]([page:Matrix4 m]) [page:Vector4 this]

m -- [page:Matrix4]
Transforms the vector by the matrix.

[method:Vector4 min]([page:Vector4 v]) [page:Vector4 this]

v -- [page:Vector4]
If this vector's x, y, z, or w value is less than vector v's x, y, z, or w value, that value is replaced by the corresponding vector v value.

[method:Vector4 max]([page:Vector4 v]) [page:Vector4 this]

v -- [page:Vector4]
If this vector's x, y, z, or w value is greater than vector v's x, y, z, or w value, that value is replaced by the corresponding vector v value.

[method:Vector4 addScalar]([page:Float s]) [page:Vector4 this]

s -- [page:Float]
Adds a scalar value to all of the vector's components.

[method:Boolean equals]([page:Vector4 v])

v -- [page:Vector4]
Checks to see if this vector matches vector v.

[method:Vector4 setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix]([page:Matrix4 m]) [page:Vector4 this]

m -- [page:Matrix4]
Sets this Vector4 to the computed axis-angle representation of the rotation defined by Matrix4 m. Assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled).

The axis is stored in components (x, y, z) of the vector, and the rotation in radians is stored in component w

[method:Vector4 setAxisAngleFromQuaternion]([page:Quaternion q]) [page:Vector4 this]

q -- [page:Quaternion]
Sets this Vector4 to the computed axis-angle representation of the rotation defined by Quaternion q.

The axis is stored in components (x, y, z) of the vector, and the rotation in radians is stored in component w

[method:Float getComponent]([page:Integer index])

index -- [page:Integer] 0, 1, 2, or 3
Returns the value of the vector component x, y, or z by an index.

Index 0: x
Index 1: y
Index 2: z
Index 3: w

[method:null setComponent]([page:Integer index], [page:Float value])

index -- [page:Integer] 0 - 3
value -- [page:Float]
Sets the value of the vector component x, y, or z by an index.

Index 0: x
Index 1: y
Index 2: z
Index 3: w

[method:Vector4 fromArray]([page:Array array]) [page:Vector4 this]

array -- [page:Array] An array formatted [x, y, z, w]
Sets the vector's components based on an array formatted like [x, y, z, w]

[method:Array toArray]( [page:Array array] )

array -- Optional array to store the vector.
Returns an array in the format [x, y, z, w]

[method:Float lengthManhattan]()

Computes Manhattan length of this vector.

[method:Vector4 setX]([page:Float x]) [page:Vector4 this]

x -- [page:Float]
Sets the x component of the vector.

[method:Vector4 setY]([page:Float y]) [page:Vector4 this]

y -- [page:Float]
Sets the y component of the vector.

[method:Vector4 setZ]([page:Float z]) [page:Vector4 this]

z -- [page:Float]
Sets the z component of the vector.

[method:Vector4 setW]([page:Float w]) [page:Vector4 this]

w -- [page:Float]
Sets the w component of the vector.


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]