Shortcut to each
day program: |
Thursday Program, October 11th |
Friday Program, October 12th |
Saturday Program, October 13th |
Time |
Activity |
Wednesday, October 10th |
Tutorial day
All the tutorials have been canceled |
Thursday, October 11th |
08:30 -
08:45 |
Welcome - Junior
Barrera |
08:45 -
09:35 |
Mathematical Morphology in Electronic
Invited speaker: Robert Loce
Xerox Research Center Webster, Xerox Innovation Group, Xerox Corp.
Chair: Junior Barrera |
09:35 -
15.55 |
Poster Session 1
Chair: Roberto Hirata Jr. |
Mathematical morphology on bipolar
fuzzy sets
Bloch, I |
Gray-level hit-or-miss transform
based region-growing for automatic segmentation of 3D coronary arteries
Bouraoui, B.; Ronse, C.; Baruthio, J.; Passat, N.; Germain, P. |
Two valued gray-scale images with
undefined information and their mathematical morphology
Cruz, M. M. C.; Doria Neto, A. D.; Santiago, R. H. N. |
GO |
Efficient binary erosion algorithm
based on a string-matching-like technique
Machado, A. F.; Hashimoto, R. F.; Lago, A. P. |
TO |
Topologically-based segmentation of
brain structures from T1 MRI
Miri, S.; P., N.; Armspach, J.-P. |
Some theoretical aspects and
experimental results on feedfoward morphological neural networks
Monteiro da Silva, A.; Sussner, P. |
Topological monsters in Z^3: A
non-exhaustive bestiary
Passat, N.; Couprie, M.; Bertrand, G. |
A branch-and-bound optimization
algorithm for U-shaped cost functions on Boolean lattices
Ris, M.; Barrera, J. |
J image based color-texture
segmentation using watershed and hierarchical clustering
Santos, T. T.; Morimoto, C. H.; Chellappa, R. |
On a generative topology for the
digital plane
Slapal, J. |
A brief introduction to a two-layer
morphological associative memory based on fuzzy operations
Sussner, P.; Esmi Laureano, E. |
Associative memories based on fuzzy
mathematical morphology and an application in prediction
Valle, M. E.; Sussner, P. |
09:35 -
10:05 |
Coffee-break |
10:05 -
12:10 |
Oral session 1: Lattice theory
Chair: Petros Maragos |
10:05 -
10:30 |
An extension of
skeleton by influence zones and morphological interpolation to fuzzy sets
Bloch, I. |
10:30 -
10:55 |
Basis computation
Hirata, N. S. T.; Hirata Jr., R.; Barrera, J. |
10:55 -
11:20 |
Division of mappings
between complete lattices
Kiselman, C. O. |
11:20 -
11:45 |
General approach for
fuzzy mathematical morphology
Popov, A. T. |
GO |
11:45 -
12:10 |
Self-dual morphology
on tree semilattices and applications
Vichik, A.; Keshet, R.; Malah, D. |
TO |
12:10 -
14:10 |
Lunch |
14:10 -
15:25 |
Oral session 2: Geometry and topology
Chair: Crhister Kiselman |
14:10 -
14:35 |
Digital Steiner sets
and Matheron semi-groups
Serra, J. |
14:35 -
15:00 |
Locally finite
spaces and the join operator
Melin, E. |
15:00 -
15:25 |
The random spread
Serra, J. |
15:25 -
15:55 |
Coffee-break |
15:55 -
18:00 |
Oral session 3:Texture and geometrical segmentation
Chair: Alexandre Falcão |
15:55 -
16:20 |
texture gradients: Definition and application to colour and texture watershed
Angulo, J. |
16:20 -
16:45 |
control for inexact graph matching: First results
Consularo, L. A.; Cesar-Jr, R. M.; Figueiredo, L. H.; Bloch, I. |
GO |
16:45 -
17:10 |
Segmentation of
random textures by morphological and linear operators
Cord, A.; Jeulin, D.; Bach, F. |
TO |
17:10 -
17:35 |
On distances, paths
and connections for hyperspectral image segmentation
Noyel, G.; Angulo, J.; Jeulin, D. |
17:35 -
18:00 |
watershed and PDEs for geometric-textural segmentation
Sofou, A.; Maragos, P. |
Friday, October 12th |
08:30 -
09:20 |
Street View: Taking Google Maps to
Street Level
Invited speaker: Luc Vincent
Google, Inc.
Chair: Gerald Banon |
09:20 -
16:30 |
Poster Session 2
Chair: João Kogler Jr. |
Rotation, scale and
translation-invariant segmentation-free grayscale shape recognition using
mathematical morphology
Araujo, S. A.; Kim, H. Y. |
Chromaticity constant: Introducing a
new ordination for automated extraction of grain–size data from true colour
Calixto, E. P.; Conci, A. |
Fingerprint minutiae extraction using
topographic distances
Climent, J. |
Computing rotation centers of the
heart from tagged MRI
Jacob, J.-P.; Vachier, C.; Daire, J.-L.; Hyacinthe, J.-N.; Vallée, J.-P. |
Granulometric and morphometric
characterization of sand grains
Lira, C.; Pina, P. |
SIMEA: An advanced framework for
random media simulation
Nion, T.; Jeulin, D.; Fricout, G. |
GO |
Shape parameters estimating the
symmetry with respect to a point
Robert-Inacio, F. |
TO |
Distance transform to seeds:
Computation and application
Saúde, A. V.; Couprie, M.; Lotufo, R. A. |
Centres of maximal balls extracted
from a fuzzy distance transform
Svensson, S. |
A structural PGN model for control of
cell-cycle progression
Trepode, N. W.; Armelin, H. A.; Bittner, M.; Barrera, J.; Gubitoso, M. D.;
Hashimoto, R. F. |
Classification of objects consisting
of multiple segments with application to crater detection
Urbach, E. R. |
09:20 -
09:50 |
Coffee-break |
09:50 -
12:20 |
Oral session 4: Image processing
Chair: Isabelle Bloch |
09:50 -
10:15 |
A New Shape Descriptor Based on Tensor Scale
Andaló, F. A.; Miranda, P. A. V.; Torres, R. S.; Falcão, A. X. |
10:15 -
10:40 |
On morphological color texture characterization
Aptoula, E.; Lefèvre, S. |
GO |
10:40 -
11:05 |
Micro-viscous morphological operators
Meyer, F.; Angulo, J. |
TO |
11:05 -
11:30 |
Scene text localization based on the ultimate opening
Retornaz, T.; Marcotegui, B. |
11:30 -
11:55 |
News from viscousland
Vachier, C.; Meyer, F. |
11:55 -
12:20 |
A region-based interpolation method for mosaic images
Vidal, J.; Crespo, J.; Maojo, V. |
12:20 -
14:20 |
Lunch |
14:20 -
15:10 |
Geometric and Topological Multiresolution of
N-Dimensional Solids
Invited speaker: Luiz Velho
Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA)
Chair: Roberto Cesar-Jr. |
15:10 -
16:00 |
Oral session 5: Signal processing
Chair: Philippe Salembier |
15:10 -
15:35 |
morphological levelings constrained by different markers
Karantzalos, K.; Argialas, D.; Paragios, N. |
15:35 -
16:00 |
Leveling cartoons,
texture energy markers, and image decomposition
Maragos, P.; Evangelopoulos |
GO |
16:30 |
Coffee-break |
TO |
16:30 -
17:45 |
Oral session 6: Connectivity
Chair: Roberto Lotufo |
16:30 -
16:55 |
Adjacency stable connected operators and set levelings
Crespo, J. |
16:55 -
17:20 |
Perceptual filtering with connected operators and image inpainting
Dimiccoli, M.; Salembier, P. |
17:20 -
17:45 |
Segmentation using vector-attribute filters: methodology and
application to dermatological imaging
Naegel, B.; Passat, N.; Boch, N.; Kocher, M. |
17:45 -
18:10 |
Oral session 7: Algorithms and architectures
Chair: Ronaldo Hashimoto |
17:45 -
18:10 |
1D Component tree in
linear time and space and its application to gray-level image
Menotti, D.; Najman, L.; Araújo, A. A. |
Saturday, October 13th |
08:30 -
09:20 |
The Image Foresting Transform from the Image Domain to
the Feature Space
Invited speaker: Alexandre Falcão
Instituto de Computação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)
Chair: Roberto Hirata |
09:20 -
16:05 |
Poster Session 3
Chair: Ronaldo Hashimoto |
Robust 3D segmentation of composite
materials fibres
Combaret, N.; Talbot, H. |
Automatic microarray gridding by
mathematical morphology
Dantas, D. O.; Barrera, J. |
Watershed segmentation: Switching
back and forth between markers and hierarchies
Klava, B.; Hirata, N. S. T. |
Fiducial markers detection in
anthropometric images
Kogler Junior, J. E.; Camargo, P. F. F.; Junoir, T. W. T.; Coelho, E. |
GO |
Attribute sub-tree matching
Körbes, A.; Silva, A. G.; Lotufo, R. A. |
TO |
A morphological gradient-based method
to motion segmentation
Lara, A. C.; Hirata Jr., R. |
Contour segmentation of the
transversal section of photonic fibers in SEM images using mathematical
Mariano, A.; Castellano, G. |
A JavaScript tool to present
Mathematical Morphology to beginner
Nuñez, C. C.; Conci, A. |
Segmentation of 3D nano-scale
polystyrene balls
Tankyevych, O.; Marak, L.; Talbot, H.; Dokladal, P. |
Perceptual hashing for hardcopy
document authentication using morphological segmentation
Shimizu, D. M.; Kim, H. Y. |
An entropy minimization approach for
designing W-operators
Vaquero, D. A.; Barrera, J.; Hirata Jr, R. |
09:20 -
09:50 |
Coffee-break |
09:50 -
12:20 |
Oral session 8: Watershed segmentation I
Chair: Etienne Decencière |
09:50 -
10:15 |
Watershed from propagated markers improved by a marker binding
Flores, F. C.; Lotufo, R. A. |
GO |
10:15 -
10:40 |
Stochastic watershed segmentation
Angulo, J.; Jeulin, D. |
TO |
10:40 -
11:05 |
Watershed by image foresting transform, tie-zone, and theoretical
relationships with other watershed definitions
Audigier, R.; Lotufo, R. A. |
11:05 -
11:30 |
Watershed-based visualization of high-density EEG coherence
Caat, M.; Maurits, N. M.; Roerdink, J. B. T. M. |
11:30 -
11:55 |
Watershed cuts
Cousty, J.; Bertrand, G.; Najman, L.; Couprie, M. |
11:55 -
12:20 |
Some links between min-cuts, optimal spanning forests and watersheds
Allène, C.; Audibert, J.; Couprie, M.; Cousty, J.; Keriven, R. |
12:20 -
14:20 |
Lunch |
14:20 -
15:35 |
Oral session 9: Watershed segmentation II
Chair: Renato Keshet |
14:20 -
14:45 |
Two approaches for
orientation field segmentation based on directional morphology
Morales-Hernández, L. A.; Manriquez-Guerrero, F.; Terol-Villalobos, I. R. |
14:45 -
15:10 |
Design of robust
pattern classifiers based on optimum-path forests
Papa, J. P.; Falcão, A. X.; Miranda, P. A. V.; Suzuki, C. T. N.;
Mascarenhas, N. D. A. |
GO |
15:10 -
15:35 |
approximate geodesics and minimal surfaces using watershed and graph cuts
Stawiaski, J.; Decencière, E.; Bidault, F. |
TO |
15:35 -
16:05 |
Coffee-break |
16:05 -
17:45 |
Oral session 10 Algorithms and architectures
Chair: Ronaldo Hashimoto |
16:05 -
16:30 |
A partitioned algorithm for the image foresting transform
Bergo, F. P. G.; Falcão, A. X. |
16:30 -
16:55 |
A parallel implementation of the dual-input Max-Tree algorithm for
attribute filtering
Ouzounis, G. K.; Wilkinson, M. H. F. |
16:55 -
17:20 |
Multi-level decomposition of Euclidean spheres
Vaz, M. S.; Kiraly, A. P.; Mersereau, R. M. |